Monday, January 26, 2009

Is It Really That Great?

Celebrities, at some point in our lives I feel it's safe to say that we all wish we could become a celebrity in some form. Whether it is an actor or actress, athlete, singer, or simply someone just recognized for their money and stupidity, a.k.a Paris Hilton, we all wish we could be in the spotlight. But, is it really as nice as we think it is?

The celebrity life has both its ups and downs, but what we see through the media is mostly the upside to it. We see the celebrities on the red carpets, in the magazines, and on t.v and it looks like it's a fabulous life.
The good things we see about being a celebrity is, of course, the money!! Along with fame, celebrities always get special treatment that normal citizens don't get to enjoy. They fly in private jets, while us normal folk sit in coach next to crying babies. Then, you see them live in multi-billion dollar houses and have multiple vehicles. A good example of this is the MTV show Cribs, and in this show famous celebrities take you on a tour of their house and show you everything that they have. Now, at this point your thinking to yourself, "Why would being a celebrity bad?" The answer, with more money, creates more problems.
As a celebrity, you have very little time to yourself. Whenever you go out in public you are hounded by the paparrazzi, and cannot go anywhere without being recognized. Your life is always apart of a schedule and you are more often than not always busy. You have to realize that what ever you say is most likely going to go on record and can come back to haunt you. Along with everything else, celebrities are always being targeted and most of the time in a negative way. Being a celebrity can also create situations that will be set up to make you look ridiculous. An example of this is the show Punk'd where Ashton Kutcher sets up situations for other celebrities that causes them to freak out. Being a celebrity can cause a tremendous amount of stress. You see it nowadays with all of the attempted suicides and over doses that celebrities do. Most recently, Heath Ledger's death affected the industry and people of the world. Other similar instances are those of Owen Wilson and others.
So the celebrity life can be grand and amazing, but people need to realize that it's not for everyone. It takes a tremendous amount of work and a very special personality to have a successful celebrity career. So if you feel this is the life for you, I say pursue it with all of your might. This was simply just to inform you of the other side of being a celebrity that not many people know about.

Christopher Lloyd